Monday, October 29, 2007

New "Articulation of Shadow"

By Jennifer K Dick

Articulation of
................Body in
pieces. The hand
of a red dress. Red
maiden. The crimson
skirt of it. Rabbit
splayed open
to be swung
(or stung). What
does the body know
of its own discomforts
(nausea)? Am orange
velour skeleton. Hours
on his perch while
in a corner the blind
girl is clasped, tight
in the arms of her
A headless dress is.
Should be glass
headless paper-like
pivot ruby wrestler
a joint
eyed. Self-image as
in she, jumbled mis-haps,
misplaced cartilage
orange or
a faded (foddered)
greening map
of a body
MRI, X-ray, stethoscope
listening for lost
stenographer’s notes.
............Was cracked
and unmendable

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