Monday, October 15, 2007

After Nicholas Manning's Form Given by Fading

by Jennifer K Dick

…………and the light will light of itself
appleseed and mirrordarkness………….this
I…… this
a way is
…………………block of

a back door……...a lie is
……………………………...……………cut to

folds in old colour
.……………………….imaging (ine) greatness
……….as granite….greyness… salt
the less softened………the lesser
……….host of itself
….. forsake it (un) seaming….will of
………………..logicstratasense of parallelisms
……….a priori, the selfless


1 comment:

Amanda Deutch said...

Jen, How do you get space like this on blogger? I cannot seem to figure it out and so have mended poems accordingly to fit the site.

This one is lovely